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Innere Medizin

Internal medicine refers to prevention, diagnostic, treatment and follow up of cardiovascular diseases, disorders of the respiratory tract, the intestine tract, the kidneys, the haematopoietic system, metabolic system, and immune system, as well as infectious or malignant diseases. Although specialists for most of this affections do exist, a specialist in Internal Medicine well be able to treat the majority of the diseases mentioned above due to his general education. Nevertheless, if necessary, an additional specialist will be consulted.

Univ. Doz. Dr. Gottfried J. Locker

Medical Practice IMED 12

Steinbauergasse 15/3rd floor, 1120 Vienna | Phone: +43-1-890 73 72 | Fax: +43-1-890 73 72-71 | Email:

Your way to us:

Take the U6 to Burggasse/Stadthalle, then tram line 6 (direction Geiereckstraße) or 18 (direction Schlachthausgasse) to Arbeitergasse.
Take the S-Bahn or U1 to Hauptbahnhof, then tram line 6 or 18 (direction Burggasse/Stadthalle) to Arbeitergasse.
Take the S-Bahn or U6 to Bahnhof Meidling, then bus 59A (direction Oper) to Wolfganggasse/Steinbauergasse.

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